Thursday, 13 March 2014

Question 3 - Evaluation

Question 3

- What kind of institution might distribute your media product and why?
The company I shall pick to distribute my magazine will be one that doesn’t yet distribute my genre of magazine or style. I believe this is the best option as then the company will have something fresh, new and exciting to distribute for example I would not choose IPC media as the company already distribute magazines like Q and Kerrang which are very alike to my magazine and this wouldn’t work well. I would want something different for my distributors to produce to their readers. Future LPC would be perfect for my magazine as they do not publish my genre of magazine but do distribute magazines for my target audience which would mean possibly getting a bigger audience the other magazines distributed talk about music e.g. guitars and bass. They also have a great connection with ps3 and Xbox which all teenagers love and enjoy. This would benefit me as I could have them advertise my magazine on game adds and create talk about my magazine and what is involved within the magazine.

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