is my preliminary task scetches. my magazine is a school magazine for haydon. i
have created this for students to buy and enjoy whilst finding out all the
latest information about the school and whats going on within. my front cover
has a main story of Olivia heading to live xfactor. i also add in more
intresting photos into my front cover to drag readers attention. i have
headings like students get outstanding results, the new canteen food and the
upcoming events. this makes the readers feel involded as they are finding out
all the gossip that is happening around the school. My contents page is very
simple but has is going to have a nice layout. their is going to be a big photo
on the top of either the sixth form common room or the new canteen food. i have
choosen between these photos because they are bold and exciting to look at. i
am going to have 'contents' written below my photo in bold capitals to make it
stand out. then i am going to have 3 collums to show what contants on each
page. this helps the reader understand the magazine and what it contants so
they dont have to read the whole magazine to find one story. my colours for my
contents page are going to be very simple and bold so readers can see it and
understand it clearly.
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